Small business owners wear so many hats. So it’s essential to use tools and resources to help you streamline and increase efficiency. And you’ll need marketing platforms to productivity tools to help. Make growing your small business toolkit an ongoing process. Check out these thoughts and tips from members of the online small business community.
Grow Your Presence on Twitter
Twitter looms large on the digital landscape. But many businesses still struggle to really make effective use of it. You need to create a Twitter presence that actually gets results. Check out this post on the Promo blog by Jonathan Nunez for tips.
Try Affiliate Marketing for Small Business
Affiliate marketing becomes an incredibly useful tool for businesses. But few small brands take advantage of it to its full potential. Read this 3Bug Media post and watch the video. Gary Shouldis elaborates on the concept of affiliate marketing and goes over how small businesses can make the most of this concept.
Don’t Overlook These Important SEO Trends
If your SEO strategy only involves looking at Google’s latest update and integrating a few keyword tricks into your site, you’re probably not getting a ton of search traffic. There are some deeper concepts at play that can have a much bigger impact on your ranking, as Ronny Dsouja details in this Pixel Productions post. You can also see what BizSugar members are saying about the post here.
Influence Customer Decisions Without Ads
Advertising can certainly be an effective way to get customers’ attention. But it isn’t the only method you should consider. In this Process Street post, Ben Mulholland discusses the nudge theory to help businesses influence decisions even when you don’t want to spend money on advertising.
Consider Voice Search and Digital Assistants in Your Search Strategy
Voice search and digital assistants are everywhere in 2019. So if they’re not accounted for in your search strategy, you could really be missing out on traffic and visibility. Read this Search Engine Land post for a beginner’s guide to these two concepts.
Grow Your Business with These Helpful Resources
No entrepreneur can grow a business without a little help. Even if you’re a solopreneur, you need to have tools and resources that are able to support your efforts in some way. In this post, Megan Totka lays out three areas where you should invest in your business to spur future growth.
Find the Right Software Development for Your Business
Software can be a major asset to any company. But if you’re having a custom program developed, you need to be very confident in the skills and vision of your team. Here are some things to look for throughout the software development, courtesy of Ivan Widjaya of Biz Epic.
Don’t Miss Out on Blogging for Your Creative Business
Much has been made about the death of blogging. However, there’s still an argument to be made that it is a must for small businesses — especially those in creative fields. Becca Ellison makes that argument in this DIY Marketers post.
Let Testimonials Do the Talking for You
You can tell potential customers about how great your business is all you want — not all of them are going to believe you. In fact, they’re much more likely to believe past customers who share their experiences. That’s why testimonials are so important, according to David Leonhardt in this Socialnomics post. The BizSugar members shared thoughts on the post here.
Win Big with Social Media Ads
One of the most appealing things about social media marketing is that it’s free to use. But investing a bit of money into those platforms has the potential to increase your reach significantly. If you want to use social media advertising to grow your business, Raluca Crasuleac offers some tips to help you win big in this Right Mix Marketing post.
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This article, "10 Tips for Growing Your Business with Technology and Talent" was first published on Small Business Trends
10 Tips for Growing Your Business with Technology and Talent
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